Wikis - links

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About wikis

Blackboard Help in-depth info on using wikis in academia
Envato tutorials what are wikis and why should you use them?
Envato tutorials how to build your own wiki
Fedwiki new type of wiki – for collaboration, without a central server
LiveScience how accurate is Wikipedia?
MediaWiki software that runs Wikipedia and many other wikis, that you can download to build your own wiki
Wikiindex directory of wikis
WikiMatrix wiki comparison site – find the best wiki for your needs
Wikimedia Foundation nonprofit that hosts Wikipedia and our other free knowledge projects.
Wikipedia entry for wiki
Wikipedia list of useful wikis

Wikis – a growing resource of free knowledge

Appropedia sustainability wiki
P2PF Wiki peer production wiki and repository of information founded by Michel Bauwens in 2006
Simple English Wikipedia version of Wikipedia that explains topics (including complex ones) in simple language for beginners
Wikibooks collection of open-content textbooks.
Wikidata free and open knowledge base that can be read and edited by both humans and machines
Wikimedia Commons freely-available images and media files to which anyone can contribute
Wikinews collaborative news articles for a global audience
Wikipedia the free online encyclopedia
Wikiquote the free quote compendium that anyone can edit.
Wikisource free online library that anyone can improve
Wikispecies free species directory that anyone can edit
Wikiversity free learning resource
Wiktionary free online dictionary

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