Wattle & daub - links

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Specialists / builders

Building Conservation list of companies involved with wattle & daub
Coyle Timber Products suppliers of wattles, Bath
Hart Craftsman joiners and conservation builders, Suffolk
John Izod 4th generation lime plasterer and wattle & dauber, south-east
The Organic Building Company natural builders (inc. W&D) in Herts
Period Decorators period property developers and decorators, including wattle & daub
St Blaise repairs to historic buildings, including W&D
Scharer Conservation builders and repairers of wattle and daub and other historic buildings, North Wales

More information

Building Conservation good article by Ian Pritchett
History & Construction of Medieval Timber-Framed Buildings building techniques, including wattle & daub
Tony Graham masters dissertation on wattle & daub – lots of technical and historical information
TTS re-usable wattle & daub kit for schools
Weald and Downland Open-air Museum wattle & daub courses, plus other traditional building techniques
Wikipedia entry on wattle & daub
You Tube short video of daub being applied to wattles in India

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