Waterless urinals - links

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Ecosanres guidelines for the safe use of urine and faeces in ecological sanitation systems
Gentworks waterless urinals benefits and pitfalls
Gentworks how to prevent urinal odours – waterless or not
Green Urine collecting urine to make fertiliser in Amsterdam
Go Green Academy waterless urinals: how do they work?
HepvO the cheapest way to turn a urinal into a waterless urinal
How Stuff Works how waterless urinals work
How Stuff Works 10 stand-up facts about waterless urinals
Industrial Economics Inc. waterless urinals report and evaluation – detailed report
Institute of Water & Environmental Studies Swedish report – fighting ‘urine blindness’ to provide more sanitation options, including urine as fertiliser
MinnPost article: why I preach the gospel of waterless urinals
Permaculture Magazine build a compost look, unisex urinal and solar shower from recycled materials
Salvo find your local salvage yard – you can often find second-hand urinals to make your own waterless urinal
Scientific American human urine is shown to be an effective agricultural fertiliser
The Washington Post human urine is a safe, productive fertiliser
Wired Magazine pissing match: is the world ready for waterless urinals?

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