Worms / vermiculture - links

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Envocare more tips on composting with worms
Instructables make your own multi-layer vermiculture bin
Modern Farmer how to build a worm farm
Naturland case studies (PDF) of worm composting world wide, with lots of example picture
Organic Agriculture Center of Canada manual (PDF) of On-Farm Vermicomposting and Vermiculture
Permaculture Magazine how to make a vermicomposting flush toilet
Plotr how to become a vermiculturist – career opportunities!
Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) worm composting factsheet
Wiggley Wigglers well known website for all things wormey
Working Worms a mine of useful information

Composting using other critters

Black soldier fly grubs larvae can be fed to chickens
Cockroaches yes, really – efficent, eat everything, don’t smell, can be sold to pet shops for reptile food

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