The ‘nature problem’ - links

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Scientific papers / institutions

Convention on Biological Diversity the abundance of vertebrate species populations declined by a third between 1970 and 2006, and the main pressures driving biodiversity loss are increasing
Earth Policy Institute the sixth great extinction: status report
International Botanical Congress ‘we will lose 30-60% of all species of plants and animals during the second half of this century, if current trends continue’
National Academy of Sciences of the US

‘Biological annihilation via the ongoing sixth mass extinction signaled by vertebrate population losses and declines’

Science Mag. the current extinction rate is 20-100 times the natural background rate
Science Journal (via the BBC) ‘we’ll lose about half of all species by the end of this century’
WWF how many species are we losing?
WWF Living Planet Report global populations of fish, birds, mammals, amphibians and reptiles declined by 58 per cent between 1970 and 2012
Zoological Society of London (via the BBC) ‘globally, we’re losing around 1% of species per year’

Articles & information

American Museum of Natural History ‘extinction crisis poses major threat to human survival; public unaware of danger’
Britain’s Got Talent yes, you read that right. You tell ’em Olivia
Call of Life documentary about the current mass extinction
The Current Mass Extinction the web’s most comprehensive source of information on the current mass extinction – contantly updated resource of related articles in scientific journals and news media
Edward O Wilson the world’s top biologist asks ‘Is Humanity Suicidal?’ and explains why humans are not exempt from reliance on ecology for our survival
National Geographic Magazine Interview with Elizabeth Kolbert – can humans survive the current mass extinction?
Niles Eldridge article by professor at the City University of New York, about the ‘sixth extinction’ that we find ourselves in
Norman Myers & Andrew Knoll ‘how will the sixth extinction affect evolution of species?’: article by fellow at Green College, Oxford, and professor of biology at the Botanical Museum at Harvard
Wikipedia Holocene (current) mass extinction

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