Stargazing - links

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Information, articles, federations

Astronotes free newsletter of Armagh Planetarium
British Astronomical Association ‘the voice of amateur astronomy in the UK’
Campaign for Dark Skies information on light pollution and campaigning
Dark Sky Discovery information on where to see stars and resources
E! Science News latest astronomy articles from various sources
Faulkes Telescope Project access to a global network of telescopes, plus free educational resources
Federation of Astronomical Societies supporting and uniting astronomy societies in the UK
Go Stargazing where and when to go stargazing and events
Galaxy Zoo galaxy classification and learning resources
The Guardian how astronomy is becoming a national hobby
Hubble Site incredible images from the Hubble Telescope
International Astronomical Union promoting astronomy through international co-operation
Night Sky Observer great news source
Portal to the Universe astronomy news
Royal Astronomical Society society for professional astronomers in the UK
Sky & Telescope astronomy news, tools and resources
Society for Popular Astronomy information, advice, magazine, meetings in London news
Stargazing in the UK stargazing and amateur astronomy for beginners
Stargazing Live lots of introductory material from the BBC
Universe Today astronomy / space news
Webb Deep-Sky Society society specialising in ‘deep-sky’ observations
World Wide Telescope enables your computer to function as a virtual telescope

Star charts and guides

BBC Star Guide pdf with introductory maps and information
Celestia free space simulation that lets you explore the universe in three dimensions
Google Sky check out planets, stars and galaxies
Heavens Above discover what’s in the night sky from your location
Jodrell Bank latest news about what’s happening in the sky this month
Stellarium free open source planetarium for your computer
Your Sky interactive web planetarium

 Video tutorials

Astronomy and Nature tutorials, news and information videos
Eyes on the Sky how to observe the night sky video tutorials
Stargazing 101 crash course in astronomy video series

Naked eye astronomy

One-Minute Astronomer stargazing without a telescope astronomical observing with naked eye
University Lowbrow Astronomers naked eye observer’s guide


Sky at Night Magazine guide to buying your first telescope
Sky and Telescope guide to buying a telescope help in choosing a telescope


British Association of Planetaria list of planetaria in the UK
International Planetarium Society federation of international planetaria
Wikipedia list of planetaria around the world
Worldwide Planetariums Database international planetaria


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