Solar electricity - links

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Information / trade associations

Andy Reynolds video from our Wind & Solar Electricity author: wind and solar home electricity generation, a basic primer on the systems
British Photovoltaic Association national trade association of the UK solar photovoltaic industry
Energy Saving Trust information on grants & incentives
Energy payback time for pv panels Science Direct – PV panels generate 9-34 times the energy required to manufacture them
Home Power solar electricity basics
ISES International Solar Energy Society
Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS) microgeneration certification scheme for suppliers and installers of renewable energy technologies, plus lots of relevant information
NASA how do photovoltaics work?
National Energy Foundation advice on renewables including solar pv
Renewable Energy Association representing renewable energy companies in the UK
The Renewable Energy Centre suppliers and contractors; plus trade associations, grants etc.
Solar Trade Association trade association for solar installers & manufacturers
Wikipedia entry for photovoltaics

Suppliers / installers

Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS) microgeneration certification scheme for suppliers and installers of renewable energy technologies, including solar pv; find certified installers in their directory
Renewable Energy Association lists of suppliers and installers
The Renewable Energy Centre MSC-certified manufacturers
Solar Trade Association find an installer

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