Further info for solar-electricity

Extra tips & tutorials

Research for our publication: ‘Wind & Solar Electricity’

Here’s the research carried out by Andy Reynolds that provided the figures for our publication Wind & Solar Electricity.  Over to Andy. Read more

Is your house suitable for solar? (including flat roof)

Do you have some south-facing roof space? Most people have a pitched roof, so there’s a good chance that you do – but if you don’t, an east-west roof is fine. Read more

How much electricity will you generate?

There are various packages that you can use to estimate the amount of electricity that you will get out of your system, based on the area of panels you install, the orientation of your roof and the angle of inclination of your panels. Read more

Choosing an installer

First, you want to find an actual installer, rather than a sales company. You need to find someone relatively local, who is knowledgeable and believes in what they do. You don’t want someone who’s doing it just for the money, although of course they need to make a living. Read more

Your installation

The size of your system will depend on how much roof space and how much money you have (or are able to borrow). A domestic system is unlikely to be larger than 4kW. Read more

Using & maintaining your system

Your system will tick away nicely without you ever having to worry about it. It doesn’t really require any maintenance, and there are no moving parts to go wrong. Read more

Grid tie inverter

Information provided by Andy Reynolds of the Ecolodge Read more

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