Smallholding - links

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Associations, campaigns, organisations

Campaign for Real Farming campaign for “Farming that is expressly designed to provide everyone everywhere with food of the highest quality, forever, without wrecking the rest of the world”
College for Real Farming & Food Culture ‘A complete re-think of agriculture and all that goes with it’
Crofting Commission regulates and promotes the interests of crofting in Scotland to secure the future of crofting
Ecological Land Co-op articles on the economics of smallholding
Landworkers’ Alliance The UK equivalent of La Via Campesina, LWA is an organisation of farmers, growers and land-based workers campaigning for policies to support small farm livelihoods, building alliances and encouraging solidarity.
One Planet Council independent voluntary body which enables and promotes One Planet Development i.e. gaining planning permission and the right to live and work on your own land (Wales)
Scottish Crofting Federation protecting and promoting the interests of crofters and the crofting community.
Small Plot, Big Ideas list of smallholder associations in the UK

Resources for smallholders

Accidental Smallholder exploits of a smallholding couple in Scotland
Farm Hack worldwide community of farmers providing open source knowledge and tools
Farming Records UK agricultural and accounting record books
Green Shifters Smallholdings to sell, buy, rent or swap
Organic Research Centre Elm Farm – wealth of information for organic smallholders
Smallholding-Wales buying and selling smallholdings in Wales
UK Agroecology Research overview of research on ecological agriculture in the UK, compiled by the Ecological Land Co-op
UK Land & Farms search for land in the UK
WWOOF UK matches volunteers with organic farms and smallholdings

Small farms feed more people

Agecon: Research in Agricultural and Applied Economics productivity of large v small farms (small more productive)
the Ecologist want to double world food production? Return the land to small farmers
FAO putting family farmers first to eradicate hunger
Global Research the destructive impacts of industrial agriculture
GRAIN small farmers feed the world with less than a quarter of all farmland
Scientific American myths about modern agriculture
Small is Bountiful smallholdings produce more food per acre than large farms
UNCTAD ‘Wake Up Before It’s Too Late’. UN report: smallholdings produce more food, more sustainably, than industrial agriculture


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