Sewing - links

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Craftivism combining crafts – especially textile-based crafts, with political activism
Craftivist Collective a leading group in the craftivism movement
Craftsy US site with free sewing patterns from indie designers
DIY Couture great site about how to sew your own clothes
Fabrications shop, exhibitions and courses in London
Fine Cell Work social enterprise that trains prisoners in paid needlework to foster hope, discipline and self-esteem
Guardian sewing section of the Graun – with articles, ideas, patterns etc.
Knitting & Stitching Show in London, Harrogate and Dublin
List of sewing stitches on Wikipedia
Make It and Mend It easy sewing projects for beginners, and how to find fabrics for free
NewZigzaggers reviews of and information about new sewing machines lots of free sewing projects
The Sewing Directory tons of information and advice
Start Sewing video tutorials and lots of advice on starting sewing
Threadbanger how to thread a sewing machine and wind a bobbin
Twisted Thread organising textile-related exhibitions and events

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