Low-impact sewage treatment - links

This page contains information links rather than commercial links. For courses, products & services, see the icons to the right. If you'd like to suggest a commercial link, see our network page.

Aquatron faecal separator
Environment Agency greywater for domestic users: an information guide
Environment Agency Water Demand Management from this site you can order free copies of their factsheets on a whole range of ways to save water, from compost toilets and rainwater collection, to water-saving appliances and greywater recycling
EPA (Ireland) Code of Practice: Wastewater Treatment Systems for Single Houses – from the Irish EPA
EPA (US) homeowner’s guide to septic systems
Feasta sustainable water use
Irish Housing Dept. technical guidance on drainage and waste water
Irish Housing Dept. guidance document for farmyard soiled water and domestic wastewater applications
Oasis Design great resource – lots of info on ecological water systems, including greywater recycling
OFWAT regulations for the water and sewage sector in the UK
Pollution Prevention Guidance PPG04 covers septic tanks, soakaways, leachfields, reed beds and compost toilets; also contains contact details for local Environment Agency branches
Solviva wastewater resources
Water Regulations UK water regulations for the UK. includes an order form for the complete regulations
Willow Systems using willows for sewage treatment


Low-impact sewage treatment Resources

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