Self-employment - links

This page contains information links rather than commercial links. For courses, products & services, see the icons to the right. If you'd like to suggest a commercial link, see our network page.

Government guidance, definitions etc. government guidance on the legal responsibilities of being a sole trader guidance on working for yourself, including as a limited company or in partnership get government help and support, including business support helplines write a business plan set up a business partnership
Office for National Statistics trends in self-employment in the UK
Wikipedia entry for self-employment


1st formations setting up a company limited by guarantee
Bira British Independent Retailers Association
Bytestart Which business structure should you choose for your new business – sole trader, limited company, partnership or LLP?
Bytestart 7 advantages of being a sole trader
Bytestart 10 advantages of running your business as a limited company instead of being self-employed
Entrepreneur US site, largely about becoming rich – so not our sort of thing at all – but actually, with very good advice about ditching your job and working for yourself sole trader v limited company: key tax & legal differences
Simply Business a guide to going self-employed in the UK differences between sole trader and self-employment
Talk Business sole trader vs limited company – which is best?
Turn2us self-employment and benefits – schemes and useful links
Voice how to become self-employed in creatve / artistic fields


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