Seed saving - links

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Information, association and seed-saving groups

Allotment & Gardens how to save your own seeds
From Seed to Seed educational films on seed production
Garden Organic seed saving guidelines for a range of different vegetables
the Herbary information and seed-saving workshops, Wilts
Heritage Seed Library national resource – preserving seeds of disappearing veg varieties; membership organisation
International Seed Saving Institute international not-for-profit dedicated to seed-saving education
Irish Seed Saver Association dedicated to the preservation of traditional varieties of fruit and vegetables, Ireland
Lampeter Seed Library here’s how they set up a local seed library in Lampeter
Open Source Seed Initiative Promoting a culture of sharing amongst seed-savers, and trying to stop the patenting of seeds
Plants for a Future huge plants database
Potato Days and Seed Fairs Seed (and potato) swap days around the country
Seed Savers Exchange seed saving chart – huge resource
Seed Saving and Seedsavers’ Resources US site with so many resources you could get lost for days
Seedy Sunday UK’s biggest and longest-running community seed swap event, in Brighton

Anti-GM / pro-biodiversity

NB: it’s about control of global food supply by a few giant corporations, not about the health effects of GM crops – which is what the corporate sector focuses on, to draw attention away from their global power grab.
Food Democracy Iraq farmers, US gov’t, GM crops, Monsanto f— up – again!
Geopolitics – Geoeconomics Iraq and Washington’s ‘seeds of democracy’
Global Research seeds of destruction: hidden agenda of genetic manipulation
GM Watch watching the GM industry
Grain international non-government organisation promoting people’s control over genetic resources
Grain Iraq’s new patent law: a declaration of war against farmers
Lobby Watch list of scientists and organisations funded by the GM industry
Soil Association stop genetic modification
UK Agricultural Biodiversity Coalition protecting agricultural biodiversity

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