Low-impact seafood - links

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Good Fish Guide all you need to be able to choose sustainable seafood
Aquaculture Stewardship Council labelling and certification of farmed seafood
Guardian why shellfish may be the future of sustainable seafood
the Land Magazine how quota systems benefit super-trawlers at the expense of small-scale fishing boats
Local Catch Network strengthening local and regional seafood systems through community supported fisheries and direct seafood marketing (US)
Marine Conservation Society fighting for a cleaner, better protected, healthier ocean
Marine Stewardship Council international non-profit; ecolabelling and fishery certification
Plos One the spatial expansion and ecological footprint of fisheries (1950 to present)
Resilience what’s the most sustainable seafood to eat in the UK?
Resilience the value of small-scale fishing
Seafood Watch how to support sustainable seafood
Solutions seafood in the future: why bivalves may be better
Sustainable Food Trust how fishing seasons affect sustainability
WWF 6 tips on how to make environmentally responsible seafood choices


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