Sail boats - links

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Alternative World Sailing Community hippies at sea!
Crew Seekers International bringing skippers and crews together throughout the world
Dmitry Orlov sailing craft for a post-collapse world – interesting article
Dmitry Orlov the new age of sail – ditto
Find a Crew find a crew or find a boat
Greenheart Project social enterprise developing solar/sail shipping for developing countries
International Windship Association facilitates and promotes wind propulsion for commercial shipping worldwide
Mainsail sail the high seas on a budget
Quidnon designing and mass-producing kits for a floating tiny house that can sail
Sail Cargo Alliance alliance of organisations who share a passion for sail-shipped cargo
Sailing Dog sail freight projects around the world social and business network for the sailing community and marine industry – including crew finder
UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency legislation and guidance on maritime matters and certification
Wikipedia boat sharing
Wikitravel hitchhiking boats


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