Raw / living food - links

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Best of Raw Food lots of useful info, from travel tips to how to replace unhealthy ingredients in recipes with healthy ones
Happy Juicer juicing central
The Independent article about moving to a raw food diet – pros and cons
Living and Raw Foods lots of articles, basics, recipes etc. US site
Plant-Based News arguments for and against a raw diet
Pure Jeevan articles, videos, recipes
Raw Food Life articles, resources, weight loss info
Raw Palaeolithic Diet interesting site containing research into the largely raw diet of our ‘caveman’ ancestors
Raw Reform US site with info on how to fight obesity with raw foods
Raw School basic FAQs
Wikipedia entry on raw food – includes an important section on foods that can be toxic when eaten raw
YouTube actor Woody Harrelson interviewed about his raw food diet
YouTube Raw for 30 Days trailer


Best of Raw Food 50 recipes
Health Freedom more recipes
Living Foods US site with lots of recipes
Raw Amazing dessert recipes
Raw Food Recipes tons of raw recipes including snacks, smoothies, breakfasts and base recipes
Raw Kids Recipes recipes aimed at kids
the Rawtarian more recipes
Raw Times 45 recipes on this US site

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