Rag rugs - links

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BBC hooking and progging: the tradition of rag mat making is alive and well in Northumberland
Craft Materials listing of rug and rugmaking equipment suppliers
Doris Leslie Blau history of trasmattas – Swedish rag rugs
HomeThingsPast rag rugs in the 19th century – hand-made craft in an industrial age
International Guild of Handhooking Rugmakers founded in 1994 in London, England by a group of international friends who decided to establish a worldwide group involved in rugmaking
Museum of English Rural Life collection of rug-making tools and thrift rugs
Norwegian Textile Letter the aesthetics of reuse:  with a starting point in the rich rag rug tradition
Old & Interesting history of rag rugs
Rugmaker’s Homestead US site with a tour through a huge range of rag rug styles
WikiHow 5 ways to make a rag rug

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