Preserving food - links

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Allotment Garden lots of info on all kinds of food storing and preserving
Food Preserving FAQ HUGE resource – FAQ with every question you could think of about food preserving
Fruit Expert info on storing and preserving fruit
Love Food Hate Waste campaigning against wasting food
Master in the Kitchen traditional methods of food preservation
National Center for Home Food Preservation US site with lots of info another US site with lots of info
ThoughtCo fascinating article on food preservation techniques in the Middle Ages
USDA Publications a series of pdf guides to selecting, preparing & canning/bottling vegetables, tomatoes, fruits, jams, jellies, meat, poultry, seafood, fermented foods and pickles
Wikipedia entry on food preservation – info on different methods
The Women’s Institute campaign against food waste, plus info on other food-related issues

Drying / dehydration

How Do I Dry? how to dry a range of foods – from the NCHFP
Mother Earth News build a solar dehydrator
Part Select how to preserve food by drying
The Solar Cooking Archive Wiki wiki article on solar food dryers
SunWorks information on solar food drying


How Do I Ferment? how to ferment a range of foods – from the NCHFP
Preparing and Canning Fermented Foods and Pickled Vegetables 35-page pdf guide from the USDA via the National Center for Home Food Preservation

Jams & jellies

How Do I Make Jams & Jellies? how to make a huge range of jams & jellies – from the NCHFP
Preparing and Canning Jams & Jellies 13-page pdf guide from the USDA via the National Center for Home Food Preservation

Pickling / chutneys

AllRecipes pickle recipes
Home Cooking chutney recipes
How Do I Pickle? how to pickle a range of foods – from the NCHFP making homemade pickles – loads of info
Preparing and Canning Fermented Foods and Pickled Vegetables 35-page pdf guide from the USDA via the National Center for Home Food Preservation

Salt & sugar preserving

Jan the Journal preserving food with salt
WiseGEEK why salt and sugar preserve food
Wikipedia curing

Storing / clamping / hanging / root cellars storing root vegetables the old way: clamping
Morning Chores 25 root cellar design ideas
How Do I Store? how to store a range of foods – from the NCHFP

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