Plant fibres & textiles - links

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Alliance for Sustainable Building Products natural fibre insulation
British Hemp Alliance creating a thriving domestic hemp industry
Fibershed hemp for textiles
Hash, Marijuana & Hemp Museum industrial hemp fibre
Hedgerow Couture Allan Brown – ethical & sustainable textiles
Nettles for Textiles repository of all things nettle-related, especially for local textile production
News from Nowhere nettles: fibre of the landless
Wild fibres info on various plant fibres
Wrap sustainable textiles


Banana fibre extraction processing; yarn spinning & weaving
Cotton Weavers of Bắc Hà
Fibre from Flax (1940-1949) British Pathé film
How linen is made
Nettles for Textiles website. The video gallery includes a number of very useful videos demonstrating various nettle fibre extraction processes
New Zealand flax: demonstration of extracting Muka (NZ flax fibre)
Sisal fibre – documentary
Traditional nettle (Girardinia diversifolia) fibre extraction by women of Nagaland, India
Weaving of Mosi (fine ramie) in the Hansan region
… and here are a few more


Allo (nepalese nettles):

Plant fibres & textiles Resources

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