Pigs - links

This page contains information links rather than commercial links. For courses, products & services, see the icons to the right. If you'd like to suggest a commercial link, see our network page.

Getting started: weaners & equipment

Best of Breeds list of UK pig breeders; weaners for sale
Bidgiemire Pig Co. pig arks
Business Directory directory of suppliers of weaners, feed, bedding, housing, equipment, insurance, training & other services
The Organic Feed Co. organic and GM-free animal feeds

Associations & information on keeping pigs

Accidental Smallholder article on keeping pigs, including health, slaughter and costs
British Pig Association representing the interests of UK pedigree pig breeders since 1884
DEFRA guidelines information on pig identification, movement and tracing
National Animal Disease Information Service listing of pig diseases, plus symptoms and treatment
Pig Health all about keeping pigs healthy
The Pig Journal lots more detailed piggy information
Pig Paradise Farm lots of info and courses
The Pig Site information resource for pig owners

Breeds of pig

Rare Breeds Survival Trust rare pig breeds
Oklahoma University A-Z index with info on possibly every breed of domestic pig in the world
Berkshire Berkshire Pig Breeders Club
British Lop British Lop Pig Society
Gloucestershire Old Spots Gloucestershire Old Spots Club
Large Black Large Black Pig Breeders Club
Middle White no club/society – this is a Middle White breeder’s site
Oxford Sandy & Black Oxford Sandy & Black Pig Society
Kune Kune British Kune Kune Society
Saddleback British Saddleback Breeders Club
Tamworth Tamworth Pig Breeders Club


Piggybank Farm rare breeds and hog roast catering
Porkopolis the pig in human cultural history…. believe it or not
Present Aid help donate piglets to families in developing countries
Vegetarian Society how not to keep pigs

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