Personal development - links

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Amnesty International protecting humans worldwide
Ecopsychology exploring the links between personal and planetary well-being
Helpguide guide to mental health and wellness
Jooble job search engine; supporters of Lowimpact
Natural Friends online dating for you lovely greenies out there – you’ll never have to deal with ‘I like shopping and fashion……’ ever again
Peace Direct let’s stop killing each other – that would be a good start, wouldn’t it?
Seeds for Change not for profit co-op offering training in consensus decision-making and conflict resolution for NGOs, social businesses and co-ops. Lots of info on consensus
Turning the Tide information & training to increase effectiveness of campaign groups; active non-violence, understanding power, consensus decision-making etc.

Conflict resolution

Communication & Conflict providing support in resolving destructive conflict
Conflict Resolution Network Australian site with online resources and free training material
CR Info huge resource, including core knowledge articles and user guides for various professions
Search for Common Ground finding shared solutions to destructive conflicts in various parts of the world
Somerset Co-operative Services resources, including the principles of conflict resolution
Transcend International aiming to bring about a more peaceful world by using action, education/training, dissemination and research

Consensus & other forms of decision-making

Consensus Decision-Making virtual learning centre for people interested in making decisions by consensus
Ecovillage Newsletter very interesting article about decision-making processes, including consensus-with-unanimity, sociocracy and holacracy
Foundation for Intentional Community the consensus section of their knowledge base
Functional Consensus detailed information more on ‘holacracy’ – decision-making without leaders
Seeds for Change consensus decision-making
Sociocracy a method of organisation often called dynamic governance
Tree Bressen consensus decision-making: what, why, how
Tree Group article on consensus
Vernal Project article: consensus is not unanimity
Vernal Project list of academic papers on the consensus process
Wikipedia entry for consensus decision-making

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