Pedal-powered machines - links

This page contains information links rather than commercial links. For courses, products & services, see the icons to the right. If you'd like to suggest a commercial link, see our network page.

12-volt Side of Life lots of info on 12-volt batteries and charging
Campaign for Real Events voluntary group providing DIY renewable energy for events and education
Colliers Wood Chorus run on pedal power; read about how they did it, plus other community groups can borrow it
David Butcher US site with tons of technical information, and plans to make your own
Human-powered TV case studies and experiments
Instructables how to build a smoothie-making human-powered bike blender
Low-tech Magazine short history of early pedal-powered machines
Maya Pedal Guatemalan NGO developing pedal power for rural areas
Pedalpowergenerator free plans to build your own bike generator
Science Shareware again, tons more information

Pedal-powered machines Resources

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