Navigation - links

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Natural navigation

Camping Expert article on using nature for navigation
Classical Astronomy quite a detailed guide to navigating by the stars
The Natural Navigator lots of info on navigating by sun, moon, stars, plants and animals
Nature Skills tips on navigating using your watch, the sun and clouds
Practical Survivor finding north using the sun and/or a watch
Prepper Link natural navigation using trees, moss and hillsides
Ordnance Survey Magazine navigating using the sun, moon and stars navigating by the stars
Space Science navigating by the north star – including how to make a crude sextant and use it to find latitude
Time & Direction No. 10 of Richard Graves’ free bushcraft books
Volbivouac very interesting article about navigating the natural way, from personal experience
Walking on the Web navigating using lichens
WikiHow how to find true north without a compass
World Outdoor Web several ways to navigate for survival, including making your own compass

Map & compass

Back Country Attitude navigation with map & compass
Compass Dude all about compasses
How to Use a Compass tutorials on using a compass
Map and Compass ordnance survey maps, compasses & accessories
Map Reading Handbook (pdf) 36-page manual on map reading and navigation for the military
Map Zone (pdf) map reading made easy peasy for kids
MicroNavigation serious navigation info
OA Guide to Map & Compass several pages of detailed info on map reading, compasses and navigation – good resource
Ordnance Survey map reading information and tutorials
Ordnance Survey Blog map reading skills: how to use a compass – text and videos
Ordnance Survey Magazine a guide to ordnance survey grid references
Ramblers navigation with maps and compass for walkers

Nautical / celestial navigation

AstroNav electronic nautical almanac all about celestial navigation
Classical Astronomy quite a detailed guide to navigating by the stars
How a Sextant Works really simple explanation / illustration
Index of Selected Stars almanac of the 57 most important stars used for navigation
The Interactive Sextant great fun
Interactive Spreadsheets for Celestial Navigation lots of free information and spreadsheets for celestial navigation
Nautical Sun Almanac for people new to celestial navigation
Navigation by Sextant simple explanation / illustration
Navigation Foundation preserving the art of celestial navigation and related skills
The Navigator’s Newsletter free pdf downloads of all back copies of the newsletter of the Navigation Foundation
Online Nautical Almanac generates nautical almanac daily pages
Science Nordic how Vikings navigated the world
Sextant Users’ Guide (pdf) step-by-step guide to using a sextant
A Short Guide to Celestial Navigation by Henning Umland navigating by the stars
Space Science navigating by the north star – including how to make a crude sextant and use it to find latitude
Visit My Harbour free UK nautical charts and pilotage, plus useful navigation articles
Wikipedia entry on celestial navigation

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