Nature awareness - links

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Atlas of Living Scotland created in 2015 to provide a platform for the collection, aggregation, analysis and use of biological data in Scotland
Bat Conservation Trust helping secure the future of bats in our changing world
Biodiversity for biodiversity / extinctions links, see our ‘nature problem’ section
Bumblebee Conservation Trust established because of serious concerns about the ‘plight of the bumblebee’
Cloud Appreciation Society just superb
Ecosystems Knowledge Network sharing learning from projects that ensure the local environment is playing a positive role in society
Field Studies Council environmental education charity providing informative and enjoyable opportunities for people of all ages and abilities to discover, explore, and understand the environment
Forest School Association association of groups teaching kids in nature
London Natural History Society list of specialist groups covering everything from badgers, ferns and dragonflies to whales, moths and rocks
the Mammal Society charity advocating science-led mammal conservation, leading efforts to collect and share information on mammals, encourage research to learn more about their ecology and distribution
Marine Life Information Network information on the biology of species and the ecology of habitats found around the coasts and seas of the British Isles
National Biodiversity Network championing the sharing of biological data since 2000
Natural History Museum top UK attraction – 5 million visitors annually
Nature Awareness interesting guide to experiencing nature with all the senses
Open Air Labs citiizen science initiative that allows you to get hands-on with nature, whatever your age, background or level of ability
RSPB working to protect birds and their habitats
Scotland’s Environment aims to be a trusted gateway to everything you want to know about Scotland’s environment, bringing together information and data from a range of organisations
Wales Biodiversity Partnership promoting and monitoring biodiversity and ecosystem action in Wales
Wildlife Trusts rescue and restore places for wildlife and people, and influence and help others to do the same
Woodland Trust nature detectives


BBC guide to UK animals
Botanical Society of Britain & Ireland identify plants
iSpot Citizen Science project run by The Open University to encourage the public to explore and engage with nature, and has produced various surveys for public participation
Natural History Museum helping the public to identify species and fossils
OPAL plant and animal identification guide and resources guide to British tree identification

Health / nature therapy

Biophilia hypothesis suggests that there is an instinctive bond between human beings and other living systems
Natural England review of nature-based interventions for mental health care
Last Child in the Woods bringing together research indicating that direct exposure to nature is essential for healthy childhood development and for the physical and emotional health of children and adults
Public Health England about child obesity
Springer empirical evidence for the benefits of vegetation to health
Therapy Today outdoor cure – article about wilderness and nature therapy

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