Natural swimming pools - links

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Networks & associations

British Association for Natural Swimming Pools trade association for designers and builders of natural swimming pools and swimming ponds in the British Isles
International Organisation for Natural Bathing Waters (IOB) primary organisation in England that draws together individuals, clubs, and federations in England who are involved in amateur wine and beer making


Clear Water Revival top 10 tips for building your own affordable DIY natural swimming pool (we’ve left out DIY guides that include concrete, because it’s environmentally-damaging and as this article points out, unnecessary.
Houselogic 9 myths busted about natural swimming pools
Mother Earth News article on how to build a natural swimming pool
New Jersey Countryside Magazine article: the greening of the swimming pool
New York Times  article: from Europe, a no-chlorine backyard pool
Organic Pools lots of info; free booklet
Permaculture Magazine the ecological and health benefits of natural swimming pools
Treehugger life cycle analysis shows true environmental cost of conventional swimming pools
Wikipedia entry on natural pool


Natural swimming pools Resources

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