Natural pest & weed control - links

This page contains information links rather than commercial links. For courses, products & services, see the icons to the right. If you'd like to suggest a commercial link, see our network page.

Agralan supplying a range of alternatives to chemicals for pest and weed control
Biowise suppliers of things that will eat your unwelcome garden visitors
Buzz Organics natural pest control products, and pest identification and control advice
Defenders suppliers of ‘Eradicoat’ and other natural pesticides
Green Gardener natural control of slugs and other nasties
Green Pest Co alternative to poisons to get rid of pests, including rats and slugs
Green Ways supply straw-based ‘pond pads’ to control algae in ponds
Harrod Horticultural garden products, plus organic / biological pest control
Just Green more good creatures that eat nasty creatures
Mike Long Garden Supplies ‘slug fences’ – ingenious strips of metal to keep slugs off your veg
Scarletts Plant Care mail order biological pest control with a seven-day-a-week helpline

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