Natural parenting - links

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General information

Birth Choice explains options about where to have your baby and who looks after you in labour
Birth Crisis help line in Britain that women can ring if they want to talk about a traumatic birth. natural remedies for lots of common complaints during pregnancy
ChildInfo UNICEF statistics – monitoring the situation of children and women worldwide
Doula UK helps doulas support women and their families during pregnancy, childbirth and early parenthood
Fathers To Be supports expectant and new dads
Home Birth Reference Site aims not to persuade you to choose a home birth, but to provide information and support for those who choose it
Infant Sleep Information Service lots of information about babies and sleeping
Midwifery Matters supporting women’s right to a service tailored more closely to their needs, and a sympathetic attitude on the part of their professional attendants
Mumsnet lots of articles and advice for new parents by parents
National Childbirth Trust the leading charity for pregnancy, birth and parenting in the UK
The Natural Family Site US site with tons of info on all aspects of natural childbirth and parenting
Part-time Nappy Free Australian site helping people to use fewer nappies, with a technique called ‘elimination communication’
Pregnancy Guide Guide to the stages of pregnancy from Drugwatch, challenging big drug companies who put unsafe products on the market
Shared Experiences Helpline helpline for parents experiencing specific difficulties or worries – putting them in contact with someone who personally understands
UNICEF leaflets, posters and information for new parents


Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine worldwide network of doctors dedicated to the promotion, protection and support of breastfeeding and lactation
Association of Breastfeeding Mothers information and support; 24-hour helpline; links to other breastfeeding mothers
in your area
Baby Feeding Law Group works for the implementation of the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes
The Baby-Friendly Initiative encourages maternity hospitals to implement the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding and to practise in accordance with the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes
Baby Milk Action International organisation campaigning for controls on the marketing practices of the baby foods industry
BreastFeedo 146 benefits of breastfeeding
The Breastfeeding Guide guide to breastfeeding put together by a new mum
The Breastfeeding Network information and support; helpline; local supporters and centres
Breastfeeding Online lots of articles on breastfeeding
Business Insider timeline of Nestle’s scandalous history of infant formula and harming babies
Infant Risk Center US site about the risks posed by various medications used during pregnancy
Baby Food Action Network
insights into the politics of breastfeeding
La Leche League GB information; 24-hour helpline
NHS breastfeeding breastfeeding resources from the NHS
NHS Choices breastfeeding and going back to work 101 reasons to breastfeed your child
Real Baby Milk not-for-profit supporting breastfeeding; support groups around the country
Rebecca Glover breastfeeding educational materials
Why Boycott Nestle? more on the Nestle boycott

Real nappies

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