Natural dyes - links

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Aurorasilk tutorial and FAQ on using natural dyes
Dyes in History and Archaeology information, plus a journal, on historical dyes
George Weil supplies for natural dyers
The International Mushroom Dye Institute non-profit organization for educational purposes and to promote the use of mushroom dyes around the world
The Natural Dye Studio hand-dyed knitting wool, silk, kid mohair, alpaca and cotton yarns
Natural Dyes International non-profit organisation researching and promoting natural dyes
Plants for a Future database searchable database of thousands of plants by use – including dyeing
Pure Tinctoria suppliers of natural dyes
Suffolk Herbs suppliers of seeds of dye plants, so you can grow your own – put ‘dye’ into the search box on the home page
Wild Colours information on growing and using several different natural
dyes, including madder, weld and indigo
Woad Woad history, cultivation, extraction, use of the dye, and more

Environmental problems associated with synthetic dyes

Better Thinking (pdf) Dyeing for a Change: report on current conventions and new futures in the
textile colour industry
O Ecotextiles incredibly detailed blog looking into the textile industry, and the differences in toxicity between natural and synthetic products
Toxic Threads (pdf) Greenpeace report on the toxins leached into the environment from big brand textiles, including dyes

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