Meadows, grass & pasture - links

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Information & associations

The Accidental Smallholder excellent introduction
BBC English meadows declining fast
British Grassland Society forum for those with an active interest in the science and practice of temperate grassland production and utilisation
Countryside Council for Wales habitat series: meadows & pastures
Floodplain Meadows Partnership monitor, protect and encourage the restoration of wildflower-rich floodplain meadows in the UK
Grassland Development Centre
delivering science and information to livestock farmers to improve efficiency of grassland production and protect and enhance grassland habitats
The Grasslands Trust established in 2002 to address the crisis facing our wildflower-rich grasslands
The Grasslands Trust
5 types of grassland: limestone grasslands; marshy grasslands; acid grasslands; lowland meadows and pastures; and upland hay meadows
Offland Woodland & Wildlife Trust meadows: an introduction
Pasture-Fed Livestock Association promoting the benefits of producing meat from animals fed exclusively on pasture
UK Agriculture grassland in the UK – an introduction
Wikipedia entry for meadow
The Wildlife Trusts general information on grasslands, including several different types of grassland habitats

Grassland creation & management

Cut & Chew managing grasslands
Emorsgate Seeds management of meadows & grassland
Flora Locale how to create different types of grassland
Meadowscape meadow planting
Suffolk Wildlife Trust Establishing grassland and increasing botanical diversity at existing sites

Pasture & grazing

Aberystwyth University organic grassland management and animal health
David Younie organic grassland: the foundation stone of organic livestock farming
FAO organic grassland: principles, practices & potential
Farmer Connect factsheet: grazing systems
Farmers Weekly organic grassland management increases yield from forage grazing and pasture: sustainable management schemes
Grazing Animals Project (GAP) partnership of farmers, land-managers and organisations that are committed to promoting the benefits of grazing with the natural environment and our cultural heritage in mind.
Pasture-Fed Livestock Association promoting the benefits of producing meat from animals fed exclusively on pasture
The Wildlife Trusts brochure on conservation grazing

Grass species

British Wild Flowers grasses, sedges, rushes and ferns
Grasses what they are and why we should learn to love (and identify) them
Grass World online information system of the world’s grasses
High Weald identifying meadow flowers & grasses
Kew Gardens online world grass species database
UK Wild Flowers grasses, sedges & rushes index
Wikipedia entry for poaceae – i.e. grasses

Wildflower meadows & meadow flowers

Cheshire Wildlife Trust advice sheet: create a wildflower meadow
Forestry Commission wildflower meadow habitats
High Weald identifying meadow flowers & grasses
Plantlife grow your own wildflower meadow
Royal Horticultural Society wildflower meadow establishment
Royal Horticultural Society wildflower meadow maintenance
Sarah Raven how to create a mini wildflower meadow
The Wildlife Trusts 40 great places to see wildflower meadows

Hay meadows & hay making

Baum Farm organic haymaking
FAO haymaking
Flora Locale traditional hay meadows
Hobby Farms making your own hay
RSPB farming for wildlife: hay meadows
UK Agriculture hay making
The Wildlife Trusts upland hay meadows

Meadows, grass & pasture Resources

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