Masonry stoves / kachelofens - links

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Associations & organisations

Austrian Tile Stove Association – research institute; lots of info; find stove builders in several countries

Masonry Heater Association of North America – lots of good articles and technical information


Demotech – making a simple brick stove

DIY Masonry Heater – interesting articles on this blog

Envisioneer – making a masonry stove with paving slabs, steel plate and fire cement

Firespeaking – Mark Twain on European masonry stoves

Kachelgrundofen – pdf book – a guide for the practitioner

Kuznetsov’s Stoves – technical info

Low-tech Magazine – great article on tile stoves

Permaculture Magazine – how to make a masonry stove from recycled paving slabs

Stone House Kachelofen – Ceramic artist building beautiful tiled masonry stoves

Wikipedia – gallery of traditional masonry stoves

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