Low-impact living - links

This page contains information links rather than commercial links. For courses, products & services, see the icons to the right. If you'd like to suggest a commercial link, see our network page.

Andy Reynolds lots of useful videos on a huge range of practical activities for self-reliance from one of our authors and online course tutors
Downsizer wonderful compendium of information about ‘downsizing’
EcoDIY the story of one family’s attempts to green up their house & garden, Essex
Schumacher Center for a New Economics US-based society promoting the ideas outlined in ‘Small is Beautiful’
The Gaia Foundation promoting sustainable lifestyles and local economies
Global Stewards tips for sustainable living
Go Self-sufficient articles on self-sufficiency
Hebden Bridge Alternative Technology Centre shop, visitor centre, events
Lammas low-impact settlement in South Wales; courses, information
Local Futures the economics of happiness
Low-Tech Magazine love these guys – free online magazine: ‘we refuse to assume that every problem has a high-tech solution’
Mail Preference Service stop getting junk mail
National Downshifting Week non-profit awareness campaign designed to help you slow down your pace, lean towards the green and get a better handle on the work/life balance in favour of life
Off-grid US site with lots of interesting articles about living off-grid and low-impact
Practical Action providing low-tech solutions to world poverty
That Roundhouse up-to-date info on Tony Wrench’s roundhouse in S Wales
Sunseed Desert Technology developing and demonstrating low-tech methods of living sustainably in a semi-arid environment

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The human impact on nature and on each other is accelerating and needs systemic change to reverse.

We’re not advocating poverty, or a hair-shirt existence. We advocate changes that will mean better lives for almost everyone.

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