Low-impact kids - links

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Information & activities

Carrymoor Environmental Centre Somerset – educational programmes based on National Curriculum for KS1, 2, 3 & 4, at a former landfill site
Chiltern Study Centre day and residential field trips – S Bucks
Cool the Earth school program which educates kids and their families about climate change with actions to reduce their carbon footprint
Development Education Centres list of local resource centres around the UK dealing with environment, peace, social
Eco-Friendly Kids lots of articles about kids and the environment
EE-Link US site; a resource for teachers – a wealth of information and links on environmental education on the internet
Herb Society Schools Site information and activities for kids – growing and using herbs
Plan-ed large online resource network for teachers and pupils in the UK – especially development and climate change
School Councils UK promoting real democracy from an early age in schools – UK network
School Works organisation promoting eco-design of school buildings and land
Solar-Active solar workshops for kids, teachers and parents
Suschool resources and inspiration for sustainable development education
Wind with Miller wind power educational resource


Clean Slate Clothing Fair Trade / organic cotton school uniforms
Ethical Party Bags recycled party bags with Fair Trade stuff inside
Handcrafted Wooden Products hand-made wooden playground equipment

Walking to school

Department for Transport advice on how to set up a ‘walking bus’ to school
Safe Kids Walking high-visibility clothing for kids walking to and from school
Safe Routes to School Sustrans’ aim is to create a safe walking, cycling or public transport route to school for every child in the UK
Walk to School promoting the benefits of children walking to school instead of the school run

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The human impact on nature and on each other is accelerating and needs systemic change to reverse.

We’re not advocating poverty, or a hair-shirt existence. We advocate changes that will mean better lives for almost everyone.

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