Low-impact food & drink - links

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Listings of local & organic food suppliers

Big Barn virtual farmers’ market
Farm Retail Association supporting local foods in the UK
Open Food Network re-imagining local food
Organic Store directory of organic food,organic farms, restaurants, cafes, shops, pubs, markets, bakeries and other organic suppliers in the UK
SUMA Wholefoods worker-owned wholefood distributors; organic; fair-trade
Wholesome Food Association network of growers, processors, suppliers and distributors of authentic, locally-grown, wholesome food

Information & campaigns

Food Sovereignty Movement promoting food sovereignty in the UK
Food Timeline incredible site about the history of every food type imaginable
Garden Organic researching and promoting organic farming, gardening and food
The GM Emperor Has No Clothes a must-read report on how GM foods are enriching global corporations, destroying small farmers’ livelihoods and making world hunger worse
Macrobiotic Association promoting the macrobiotic diet
The Meatrix brilliant cartoon about factory farming – show it to your kids and email it to your friends
People’s Food Policy transforming the food system in the UK
Permaculture Association promoting Permaculture; list of local groups
Pesticides Campaign UK highlighting pesticide sexposure for people in rural areas
Recipes Against Hunger Greenpeace report on how the world’s poor can feed themselves using cheap, locally-available technologies that will not damage the environment
Soil Association campaigning to raise awareness of the benefits of organic food; organic certification
Soil Association Scotland Scottish branch of the Soil Association
Sustain campaigning for environmentally sound agriculture
Sustainable Food Trust global voice for sustainable food and health
Tescopoly campaigning to protect local shops and High Streets
WWOOF volunteering for work on organic farms


Low-impact food & drink Resources

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