Local / independent currencies - links

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Banco Palmas  Wikipedia entry for the first of the Brazilian community banks
Bank of England its take on local currencies
C-C Literature bibliography of community currency research
Community currency guide pdf guide by Bernard Lietaer and Gwendolyn Hallsmith
Community Currency Knowledge Gateway gateway to online resources, literature and general knowledge on community and complementary currencies
Currency solutions for a wiser world Bernard Lietaer’s very interesting site
Exeter University huge links page for everything to do with alternative currencies and the problems associated with our capitalist money system
Guardian Bristol Pound is just one example of what local currencies can achieve
Independent Money Alliance helping groups launch their own independent currencies; blog; information on existing schemes
Jerome Blanc history of local currencies in Europe
No Small Change handbook produced by the New Economics Foundation to evaluate the success of your community currency project
Plugging the leaks initiative to help keep money in local communities rather than have it siphoned out
Principles of complementary currency systems by Stephen DeMeulenaere
RAMICS Research association on monetary innovation and community and complementary currency systems
Schumacher Center for a New Economics US site with lots of info on local currencies
Shareable podcast: how complementary currencies support vibrant local economies
Wikipedia entry for local currency


Local / independent currencies Resources

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