Living roofs - links

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European Federation of Green Roof  & Living Wall Associations – federation of national groups in Europe

Green Infrastructure Foundation – info, training, events – N America

Green Roof Centre – UK national centre of excellence for green roofs

Green Roofs for Healthy Cities – US trade association

Green Roof Organisation – trade body in the UK – UK not-for profit set up to promote green roofs – case studies, speakers, tours, lots of information

Information – US site with lots of info

Green Roof Energy Calculator – online tool that allows users to compare the annual energy performance of a building with a vegetative green roof to the same building with either a dark roof or a white roof.icy related to green roof infrastructure

Green Roof Training – DIY Green Roof Guide

Natural England – report on living roofs and biodiversity (pdf)

Permagard – green roof construction, how-to guide

Royal Horticultural Society – green roof advice

Walter Segal Trust – specification for a grass and wildflower roof

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