Lime - links

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Associations / general

Academia a short history of the use of lime as a building material – beyond Europe and North America
British Lime Association representing the lime industry
Building Limes Forum network of lime enthusiasts; journal; newsletter; workshops, visits, conferences
European Lime Association representing the lime industry in Europe
International Lime Association spreading the word about lime
Lhoist lime throughout history
Societa Impianti Calce history of the use of lime
Wikipedia entry for lime

Building with lime

CADW conservation advice in Wales
Dirt Cheap Builder loads of books and videos on natural building
Historic England providing conservation advice
Scottish Lime Centre Trust providing advice about lime; info sheets
Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings free and independent advice
Widipedia entry for lime mortar

Lime burning / lime kilns

Cumbria County History lime burning in Westmorland
Lancashire Geologists Association the manufacture of quicklime in lime kilns
Low-tech Magazine burning the bones of the earth: lime kilns
Wikipedia entry for lime kiln
Wikipedia entry for limestone

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