LED lighting - links

This page contains information links rather than commercial links. For courses, products & services, see the icons to the right. If you'd like to suggest a commercial link, see our network page.

CNET five things to consider before buying LED bulbs
CNET the physics behind LED lighting
Electronics Weekly ensuring safety in LED lighting
Energy Saving Trust field trial of LED lighting
the Green Age cost comparison – LED vs halogen spotlights
Gov.uk grants for small farmers for LEDs for livestock housing
the Guardian converting to LED lights: everything you need to know
the Guardian how LED bulbs can save you hundreds in energy bills
History of lighting from flaming torches to LEDs
How Stuff Works  how LED light bulbs work
Jill Goulder LED lighting: a beginner’s guide
LED Journal enewsletter on the LED industry
Renewable Energy Hub history of LED lighting
Top Ten Reviews LED light bulb reviews
Wikipedia entry for LED lamp
Wikipedia entry for light-emitting diode

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