Land reform - links

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Access to Land European network of grassroots organisations securing land for agroecological farming
Chapter 7 campaigning to provide access to land for all households through environmentally sound planning
Crofting Commission supporting active crofting in the Scottish Highlands & Islands
Ecological Land Co-op setting up sustainable smallholdings in Devon
Ecomotive finding land, arranging planning permission and selling serviced plots for self-build
Grass-roots Action on Food & Farming challenging corporate agriculture
Lammas this incredible group set a precedent by obtaining planning permission for eco-smallholdings in Pembrokeshire
Land Economy, Environment & Society (LEES) research into sustainable agricultural systems and food chains
The Land magazine article on the history of enclosures in Britain
the Land magazine article on why ‘development’ always seems to mean separating people from the land
Landshare website linking people with a bit of land to spare and people wanting a bit of land to grow food
Reclaim the Fields ‘a constellation of people and collective projects willing to go back to the land and reassume the control over food production’
Scottish Crofting Association member-led organisation dedicated to promoting crofting and the largest association of small-scale food producers in the UK
Small is Bountiful please read this article, and the references at the bottom: smallholdings produce more food per acre than large farms
The Land is Ours (TLiO) Land rights campaign for Britain
A Thousand huts campaign for a thousand huts in Scotland, to help people reconnect with the land
Transnational Institute the Global Land Grab: a Primer
UK Agroecology Research overview of research on ecological agriculture in the UK, compiled by the Ecological Land Co-op
la Via Campesina international peasants movement
Welsh Assembly One Planet Development Policy of the Welsh Assembly – great new policy that should allow truly eco-smallholdings and developments in Wales

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