Insulation - links

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Products / installers

National Insulation Association find a local installer – go to General Public Site / online directory for a listing. lots of info on this site too (you can get free installation if you are in receipt of benefits).
Warmcel cellulose fibre insulation
Thermafleece sheep’s wool insulation.
Thermawrap foil product to put behind your radiator – reflects heat back into the room


Build Desk understanding u-values
DIY Data typical u-values of building materials
Energy Saving Trust home insulation
Government grants home insulation grants, UK
Homebuilding & Renovation U-values of various kinds of (convnentional) walls insulating old houses and cottages
One Home how to insulate your home so all rooms are warm and cosy
US Dept of Energy comparison of various different insulation materials
the Yellow House tons of information about insulation – including u-values


Cavity Insulation Guarantee Agency provide 25-year guarantees on cavity wall insulation
National Insulation Association representing insulation manufacturers and installers in the UK
TIMSA Thermal Insulation Manufacturers & Suppliers Association, UK

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