Hydroponics - links

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Exploring the Global Garden history of hydroponics
Growth Technology a look at different types of hydroponic growing
Home Hydro Systems lots of great articles and information
Hydroponics & Greenhouses magazine article comparing the sustainability of hydroponics vs organic greenhouse growing
Institute of Simplified Hydroponics supporting efforts to introduce simplified hydroponics to reduce hunger and poverty
Instructables plans for several DIY hydroponics projects
Mother Earth News article: easy gardening with homegrown organic hydroponics
Science in Hydroponics blog by a hydroponics geek
University of Arizona hydroponics course materials
University of Arizona series of articles on growing tomatoes hydroponically
University of Florida how to build a floating hydroponic garden (deep water culture)
University of Hawaii small-scale lettuce production with hydroponics or aquaponics
Weed Farmer how to grow cannabis hydroponically
Wikipedia entry for hydroponics
Wikipedia entry for organic hydroponics

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