Hurdles - links

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Hurdle makers / suppliers

Coppice Products this is all you need – a listing of 200 hurdle-makers around the UK (use the search facility)


Allan Shepherd blog article on making hurdles and ‘dead hedges’
Bradgate Park volunteer photos photos of Hazel hurdle making
Forestry Commission information sheet on the restoration of neglected Hazel coppice
GardenStew how to make a woven willow garden screen / hurdle
Mother Earth News

hurdles: on building split-rail fences and portable fences

Pocket Farm Magazine an introduction to coppicing
The Heritage Crafts Association an overview of the history and techniques of hurdle making
Walk Around Britain article about and video of hurdle-making
Wikipedia entry on hurdles
Witch Hales Coppice Crafts blog on coppicing and coppice crafts, including hurdles hurdle-making article and comments


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