Hitchhiking - links

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How to hitchhike

Great Big Scary World how to hitchhike
Hitch-hikers’ Handbook tips and experiences – big resource
HitchWiki collaborative website comprising an encyclopedia of about hitchhiking around the world
Oxymoronism the psychology of hitchhiking
Stiffarming Society lots of info for anyone thinking of hitchhiking
Wand’rly article on hitchhiking safety
WikiHow basic tips and advice for beginners
WikiTravel advice, plus a list of countries with how common / easy hitchhiking is

Other information

Dynamic car-sharing see our car-sharing links page for dynamic car sharing – which is basically high-tech hitchhiking
Elijah Wald scrapbook of hitchhiking quotations
Funology how to hitchhike across an ocean
HitchWiki article for drivers about picking up hitchhikers
Random Roads hitchhiking e-zine
Sociological Research Online academic paper – the neglected art of hitchhiking: risk, trust and sustainability
Wikipedia entry for hitchhiking

Personal stories

Acrobats of the Road hitchhiking in the ‘axis of evil’
Ceasefire magazine a pot of kindness: the joys & consolations of hitchhiking
The Dust of the Road Behind Us several stories of hitchhiking in different countries
Great Big Scary World hitchhiking around Europe
Stories of Tom Thumb hitchhiking to India with no money
HitchWiki list of hitchhikers’ blogs
The Russian Kerouacs guide to hitching in Russia

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