Heat pumps - links

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Suppliers / installers

Green Business Watch find installers of ground source or air source heat pumps
Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS) microgeneration certification scheme for suppliers and installers of renewable energy technologies, including heat pumps; find installers of renewables in their directory
Renewable Energy Hub search for UK heat pump installers using your postcode

Information / associations

Energy Efficiency Best Practice in Housing (pdf) 20-page pdf booklet on design and installation of domestic ground source heat pumps, produced by the Energy Saving Trust
Energy Saving Trust information on heat pumps, including grants & incentives
European Heat Pump Association promoting awareness and proper deployment of heat pump technology in Europe
Ground Source Heat Pump Association provides info via website and telephone; useful FAQ section
Heat Pumping Technologies international information service for heat pumping technologies
International Ground Source Heat Pump Association non-profit group, established to advance geothermal/ground-source heat pump technology on local, state, national, and international levels
John Cantor general information site about heat pump technology
Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS) microgeneration certification scheme for suppliers and installers of renewable energy technologies, including heat pumps
National Energy Foundation advice on renewables including solar hot water
UK Heat Pump Association membership organisation promoting heat pumps
Wikipedia entry for heat pump

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