Greenhouses & polytunnels - links

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Allotment Growing – advice on erecting a second-hand greenhouse

Allotment Growing – choosing a greenhouse

BBC Gardeners’ World – how to build a greenhouse

Garden Action – tons of advice on sizes, shapes, glazing, etc.

Garden Organic – factsheet on polytunnel growing

Geo-Dome – low-cost geodesic dome greenhouse kit

Glass cutting – video from our friend Andy about how to cut and re-use second-hand panes of glass – ideal for greenhouse repair

Greenhouse Growing – advice on growing under glass

Greenhouse Repairs – repair service and second-hand greenhouses for sale

Morning Chores – 122 free DIY greenhouse plans – ‘why buy a polytunnel?’ and other articles on polytunnels and greenhouses – see links at the bottom – build your own DIY polytunnel

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