Green funerals - links

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Association of Green Funeral Directors promoting green funerals
Association of Independent Celebrants trade association for professional, qualified celebrants across the UK and overseas
Association of Natural Burial Grounds ‘by requiring members to comply with our Code of Conduct the ANBG provides the public with the assurance of best practice at every one of our member sites.’
Institute of Civil Funerals society of non-religious celebrants
National Society Of Allied And Independent Funeral Directors (SAIF) trade association whose members are all independent funeral directors. The funeral service they offer is not part of a national or international conglomerate or chain
The Natural Death Centre charity supporting those wishing to die at home, and helping to arrange inexpensive, family-organised and eco-friendly funerals, London


BBC can you be buried anywhere?
Be a Tree natural burial: the ultimate ‘back to the land’ movement
Bereavement Help & Support listing of bereavement services
Dying Matters raising awareness of dying, death and bereavement
the Ecologist the case for natural burials
Funeral Readings resource for those seeking new, original, interfaith funeral readings
Funeral Services Guide advice on all aspects of organising a funeral
Good Funeral Awards non-profit making organisation aiming to bring natural eco-friendly funerals into the mainstream
Good Funeral Guide not-for-profit helping people get the funeral they want
Good Funeral Guide everything you wanted to know about coffins
How Green is my Funeral guide to the green credentials of various aspects of a funeral
Natural Green Burials woodland burial costs

Natural burial grounds

Bereavement Services Portal listing and map of over 200 natural burial grounds
The Natural Death Centre listing of natural burial grounds
Natural Green Burials listing of UK natural burial sites
UK Funerals Online green funerals and list of UK woodland burial sites
Woodland Burial Trust woodland burial sites in the UK

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