Goats - links

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Associations & information on keeping goats

Basic Goat Primer basic info on goats and how to keep them
British Goat Society promoting goat-keeping in the UK
DEFRA sheep & goats: identification, registration and movement
DEFRA codes of recommendations for the welfare of goats
Goats.co.uk some basic information on keeping goats and goat farming
National Goat Handbook (pdf) free 412-page pdf handbook covering all aspects of keeping goats
Best of Breeds list of UK goat breeders; stock for sale

Goat breeds & societies

Oklahoma University A-Z list of world goat breeds
Rare Breeds Survival Trust rare goat breeds
Anglo-Nubian Anglo-Nubian Breed Society
Angora British Angora Goat Society
Bagot the Bagot Goat Society
British Alpine British Alpine Breed Society
British Boer British Boer Goat Society
British Feral Goat British Feral Goat Research Group
British Toggenburg British Toggenburg Society
English Goats English Goat Breeders Association
Golden Guernsey Golden Guernsey Goat Society
Harness Harness Goat Society
Highland the Highland Goat Club
Old English Old English Goat Society
Pygmy Goats Pygmy Goat Association of Great Britain
Toggenburg Toggenburg Breeders Association

Regional goat clubs & Societies

Ayrshire Goat Club a club for goat keepers’ in Ayrshire
Beds and Herts Goat Society a club for goat keepers in Bedfordshire and Hedfordshire
Cornwall Goat Keepers’ Association an association for goat keepers’ in Cornwall
Grampian Goat club a club for goat keepers in North East Scotland
Herefordshire Goat Club a club for goat keepers in Herefordshire
Highland Goat Club a club for goat keepers living in and around the Highlands of Scotland
Northern England Goat Club a club for goat keepers in the North of England
Norwich and District Goat Club a club for goat keepers in and around Norwich
Scottish Goat Keepers’ Federation a society for goat keepers in Scotland
South West Wales Goat Club a club for goat keepers in Southwest Wales
Welsh and West Angora goat club a club for Angora goat keepers in Wales and the West of england


Abercrombie’s Goat Page goat meat recipes
The Biology of the Goat fascinating site about goat biology
Cornell University list of plants poisonous to goats
The Goat Veterinary Society promoting interest in and improving knowledge of goats within the veterinary profession
International Goat Association promotes goat research and development for the benefit of humankind
Oxfam buy a goat as a gift for a family in a developing country
Wikipedia entry on goats
YouTube famous video of fainting goats – a breed of goats that faints when surprised!


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