Glassblowing - links

This page contains information links rather than commercial links. For courses, products & services, see the icons to the right. If you'd like to suggest a commercial link, see our network page.

Advantage Environment the greening of glassblowing
Artefact life of a London glassblower
BecomeOpedia how to become a glassblower
Corning Museum of Glass timeline of glass history
Contemporary Glass Society promoting glass makers and glass artists, including glassblowers
Craft Schmaft complete beginners’ guide to glassblowing large resource for glassblowing enthusiasts
Guardian Work & Careers how to blow glass
Howcast glassblowing for beginners: series of how-to videos
How Stuff Works how glassblowing works
Interactive Learning Paradigms scientific glassblowing learning centre
Modern Magazine glassblowers and the marriage of glass and light (US) job description and career info
Sustainable Minds what’s more sustainable, glass or ceramic?
Wikipedia glass
Wikipedia glassblowing
Working the Flame how to become a glassblower
Working the Flame guide to glassblowing tools & equipment
Working the Flame history of glassblowing


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