Geodesic domes - links

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3-D Warehouse geodesic modelling
Buckminster Fuller Institute dedicated to the ideas of Buckminster Fuller, champion of geodesic domes.
Desert Domes US site with tips and info on building geo domes
Geodesic Dome Diary diary of the building of a bamboo geodesic dome
Geodesic Dome Notes very detailed resource
Geodesic Domes FAQ large FAQ page
Geodesic Math (pdf) 21-page pdf document with more geodesic maths
Geo-Dome articles, plans, discussions
Inhabitat 5 great reasons to build a geodesic dome home
Instructables how to make a geodesic dome scale model with cardboard
Professional Dome Plans plans for building geodesic dome houses
Shelter Publications collection of geodesic-dome-related essays
Simply Differently information on geodesic and other kinds of domes
Tom Davis 12-page pdf document on the mathematics involved
Treehugger cob house inside a geodesic greenhouse in the Arctic Circle
Wikipedia entry on geodesic dome
YouTube time-lapse video of setting up a geodesic dome tent frame
YouTube time-lapse video of building a straw-bale geodesic dome

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