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  • buckminster fuller inventor of the geodesic dome
  • Buckminster Fuller – inventor of the geodesic dome

    Richard Buckminster Fuller, 1895–1983, American architect and engineer, born in Milton, Massachusetts, USA. Fuller devoted his life to the invention of revolutionary technological designs aimed at solving problems of modern living. His developments include “energetic” geometry (1917); the “4-D” house (1928), a self-contained, dustless unit (transportable by air); the streamlined Dymaxion car (1933); and the circular Dymaxion house (1944–45). Dymaxion, a word coined by Fuller in 1930, was his term for the principle of deriving maximum output from a minimum input of material and energy, best realized in his geodesic domes. These are spherical structures of extremely light, enormously strong triangular members. In the 1950s these domes were widely used for military and industrial purposes. Fuller’s many books include Nine Chains to the Moon (1938), the autobiographical Ideas and Integrities (1963), Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth (1969), Utopia or Oblivion (1970), Approaching the Benign Environment (1970), Earth, Inc. (1973), and Critical Path (1981).
    See biography by A. Hatch (1974); studies by S. Rosen (1969) and H. Kenner (1973); The Buckminster Fuller Reader, ed. by J. Meller (1970).

    Also visit the Buckminster fuller Institute found at www.bfi.org.  This site is devoted to advancing Humanity’s Option for Success, inspired by the principles articulated by Buckminster Fuller. They hope to empower site visitors to see the big picture and exercise individual initiative. They believe everyone on board Spaceship Earth can live abundantly and successfully on an ecologically sustainable basis. Humanity has the option to make it. We must choose it before it expires.

    Buckminster Fuller, a philosopher, mathematician, engineer, historian and poet, invented the geodesic dome. One of Fuller’s lifetime quests was to build designs to do more with fewer resources, foreseeing an eventual shortage in housing for humanity’s growing population. He observed problems inherent in conventional construction techniques, as opposed to the ease of construction and indigenous strength of natural structures. Interested in creating a structure analogous to  nature’s own designs, he started to experiment with spherical geometry in the late 1940’s. He patented the geodesic dome in 1951. Today geodesic domes are recognized to be the most efficient building systems known.

    “Whether it is to be Utopia or Oblivion will be a touch-and-go relay race right up to the final moment.”
    “To make the world work for 100% of humanity in the shortest possible time through spontaneous co-operation without ecological offense or the disadvantage of anyone.”
    – Buckminster Fuller

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