Gasification - links

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Gasification general

All Power Labs interesting site with details of the ‘gasifier experimenter’s kit’
Build-a-gasifier good site with lots of plans, kits, links and old books
Gasifier wiki tons of information on gasifiers, including plans for building your own
Instructables how to build a basic gasifier
Intertek wood combustion basics
Michael Davis ‘my home-made biomass gasifier’ – great job!
Oak Ridge National Laboratory 1989 book: Construction of a Simplified Wood Gas Generator For Fueling Internal Combustion Engines in a Petroleum Emergency
Solar Energy Research Institute Handbook of Biomass Downdraft Gasifier Engine Systems
Wikipedia entry for wood gas
Wikipedia entry for wood gas generator ‘the magical world of wood gasification’


Around Sweden with wood in the tank story of a wood-fuelled trip around Sweden – lots of additional info
Drive on Wood how to drive on wood scraps
Engineers Australia ‘Producer Gas & the Australian Motorist’ (pdf) – alternative fuel in Oz in WW2
Instructables how to convert a Honda Accord to run on wood gas
Low-tech Magazine article on wood gas cars
Makezine story and video of a car made of wood and fuelled by wood on a journey around Europe
Missing-Lynx how Germany ran tanks on wood gas during WW2
Mother Earth News article: use a wood gas generator to power your truck
Mother Earth News article: wood gas truck: road power from wood gasification
Treehugger how to save fuel costs with a wood-powered pickup truck

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